New Blog
This has been on the top of my Trello board’s to-do list, but I finally got a new blog up and running. Since 3 months ago, I decided to discontinue my Limitless blog and move off of Wordpress. It was just a lot of unneccessary overhead and I also built the theme for that site when I had no idea how to use html and css. Now I’m on that Jekyll + Github pages game, serving up some static websites.
Also Jekyll is kind of nice in that I can write stuff in markdown, which is way better than wrestling with friendly editor/raw html on Wordpress’s CMS. Code
will be easier to read and we’ll have some syntax highlighting like this:
def print_hi(name)
puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Seiji' to STDOUT.
I went with a more minimalistic theme called dotX and have customized it to fit my needs. No more crazy parallax effects on every page you visit!
I have the posts from my prior site backed up so I’ll be backfilling those as I get a chance. It’ll also be fun and embarassing to read those posts again…